Encounter /tmp error while installing?

Moses Liao GZ
1 min readNov 13, 2023

Have you encounter errors that is related to tmpfolder while trying to install a library via PIP or yum? Most likely you are trying to install libraries in an OS that is hardened with restricted access to the /tmp folder which is normal but you still need the library. So how are you going to install then?

There is a provision in linux OS that you can set the TMP_DIR in the env. Once that variable is set all temporary files in the duration of the installation will use that folder as a temporary holding directory for their file.

So this is the steps you can take to install:
1) Make a new directory mkdir /aaa/bbb/tmp.

2) Set the environment variable.

export TMPDIR=/aaa/bbb/tmp

3) do your whatever pip or yum install and see it works

Do remember to set the full path because it is important that the directory is correct.



Moses Liao GZ

Cloud and site reliability enthusiasts. AWS SA Associate certified